Category Archives: politics

New Survey Shows Confronting Alzheimer’s Disease A Key Issue In 2008 Presidential Election

You can read more on the survey by following the source link.

In a new national survey conducted by Hart Research, more than two out of three Americans polled (68 percent) think it is important to increase the amount of Alzheimer disease research funding and two out of three voters (67 percent) would be more likely to select a Presidential candidate who supports increased government funding for Alzheimer research.

Among voters polled the concern about developing Alzheimer’s cuts across party lines with Republicans (64 percent), Democrats (68 percent), and Independents (66 percent).

This survey found financing the expensive costs of long term care was a key issue on voters’ minds, as almost two thirds (62 percent) polled indicated they would be more likely to vote for a Presidential candidate who sought to increase financial assistance for families taking care of a loved one with Alzheimer’s.

Women are more likely to vote for a candidate who supports increasing government funding for Alzheimer’s research

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